About Us

My name is Joey Kuhlow. Growing up I enjoyed art, but never truly found my niche until I started doing artistic welding. After learning how to weld at my high school in the Philippines, and being inspired by the intricate welded sculptures at the Night Market in Thailand, the rest was history. My seasonal job shortly after high school gave me lots of time in the winter to start experimenting with artistic welding. My grandpa gave me a bucket full of bolts, nuts, and nails he had collected over the years. Being able to permanently fuse two pieces of steel together in any position I wanted in a matter of seconds opened my mind to a world of art with endless possibilities.

Initially I made pieces of art that were inspired by the shapes of the pieces of metal themselves. For example, a curved steel blade would become a wave with a surfer, bike chain would become the back of lizards allowing them to bend and move like they do naturally. My welded art these days primarily consists of birds and other creatures made from stainless steel spoons, forks, and knives.

When it comes down to it, I love to take things that are being recycled and thrown away and turning them into art or something usable. Not only does it keep things out of the landfill, but it also helps keep my costs down as I pursue new avenues to create art. It frees me to experiment and try new things.

My faith in Jesus Christ is first and foremost what defines who I am and how I live. Other than that, being an artist is my full-time job (although I often refer more to myself as “creative” than an “artist” because my lifestyle doesn’t fit the typical artist culture). My goal is to continue living off the art I create, which will allow me to stay at home with my wife and kids, striving to love them and lead them as the Bible calls me to. It will also free me up to be a servant to those around me who are in need, which is another big part of what I am called to live out as a Christian. Whatever I do, whether it is making art, spending time with my family, or serving others, may it all be to the glory of God, who has saved me and given me the talents I have.

A family business

Every purchase enables my beautiful wife to homeschool our 5 children and raise and nurture them to know and love the Lord. It also enables me to be around my family more to lead them in strength and love.

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